Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Day!

Well today was my first day back at work since Lexi was born :O(. It was also Lexi's first day at day care. I really like the lady keeping her, she is great. She might even keep a journal of Lexi's days, like Small World did for Madyson. Everyone at ABC & ME loves Lexi as much as Madyson. They fight over who gets her - she is just a good happy baby!! Madyson was really excited about Lexi coming to school - of course she was quick to point out that Lexi would be in the "baby" room NOT her "big girl" room. Madyson is also really excited about moving to the "big building" There are two buildings-one for babies through 2 years & the 3 year olds through after schoolers are at the other one. She did make sure all her friends would move to the big building with her.

On a cute note: We went and ate supper with Grammy & Grandpa Power at the Green Olive & after everyone was done Madyson asked Grandpa to dance with her (over & over), he told her they couldn't dance because there was not music. Madyson said "the music is in my mouth". So she sang so they could dance. She is just too precious!


Samantha said...

Hunter is going to be so sad when Madyson moves buildings! I am glad Lexi had a good day, but she always has good days!! I am so glad you are keeping your blog up!

James, Paige, and Taylor Wamble said...

holli.. that makes me want to cry. she's got the dancing in her soul..drew will have to sit for dance recitals afetr all!! he ALWAYS said she wouldn't do that.. but i think different!! can't wait to see you all and i am bringing the bumbo home for you!!