Dad is in a room and is doing good. When I talked to Allison, he was drinking a diet dew (only b/c they wouldn't let him have a bud light!) I will update when I know any more! Thanks for the prayers!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
I re-uploaded our All Star video. Scroll down to check it out
Posted by hmcbrayer at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Prayer Request
My dad is going to have surgery in Tupelo Tuesday morning. He should be able to come home on Wednesday, but no playing or driving for at least 2 weeks. He is having a spacer placed between his 5th & 6th vertebrae (I think it's those 2) to relieve pressure so that one of his arm muscles (tricep I think) doesn't begin to deteriorate. (you see how good I am about specifics, right!) Please keep him and us in your prayers. When I told Madyson she just cried. We went and played yesterday, before he goes to the doctor. She even spent the night w/ them Friday - getting last minute playtime in. She told grandpa she wouldn't jump on him until he was all better :O)
On another note, Drew took Lexi to the Dr. today b/c she has just been fussy & extremely clingy to me this weekend and been messing w/ her ears. She hasn't been like this since tubes, so I was afriad water had gotten in her ears and gotten infected. However, our ears look GREAT! We are just getting a mouth full of teeth. 2 just broke up top & 2 more are trying to come in on the bottom. Tylenol & Oralgel here we come!! Super glad we are not sick:)
Posted by hmcbrayer at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Up the Slide
I have tried several times to get this uploaded, finally got it! This is from Tuesday - she did this the same day she started walking. Don't tell me she doesn't watch Madyson. Still no luck in catching her walk - still working on it though. She did walk all the way across the living room today w/ no bribing or help :O)
Posted by hmcbrayer at 8:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ads for Recital Program
I am finally posting the prices for the ads for Madyson's recital program. If you are interested in getting one, just let me know. I have to turn them in by the end of April. She is taking dance pictures April 15th so if you want to use one those pictures let me know. We won't have them back, but the owner will have a CD and I just have to tell her the proof number. The prices are as follows:
- Shout outs: $10
- Business Card Ad: $20
- 1/4 page: $30
- 1/2 page: $50
- Full page: $100
Just let me know what you want it to say & if you want to add a picture!
Posted by hmcbrayer at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Lexi finally started walking this afternoon. Of course Drew was at golf practice (he was at a golf tournament when Madyson started walking). I didn't get any video. Everytime I started to record, she would sit down and crawl to me. Yea, Lexi!!
On a Madyson note; we have been working with her to swing on her own w/ out us pushing her & she finally did yesterday! She is getting so big and independent :O)
Posted by hmcbrayer at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
More Magic Kingdom Pictures
Posted by hmcbrayer at 4:44 PM 1 comments
The Magic Kingdom
Posted by hmcbrayer at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Shamu Show
Posted by hmcbrayer at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Sea World
Posted by hmcbrayer at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Posted by hmcbrayer at 1:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Another Baby Girl!
My cousin Ashley Freeman just found out she is having a girl :O) She is due the first week in September, they are soooooo excited :O)
Posted by hmcbrayer at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Madyson's 1st Roller Coaster
Posted by hmcbrayer at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Recital Date Change
Madyson's Dance Recital has been changed from May 9th (Mother's Day) to May 30th. It will be at Caledonia Gymnasium @ 5 & 7. Adds are available for the program, I will post the cost of the ads when I return from Orlando.
Posted by hmcbrayer at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spring Break!
It is getting closer and closer to spring break. We are soooo excited we leave Saturday to go to Orlando to see San-San & Papa Smurf. Aunt Paige, Uncle James & Taylor are coming too. We are going to have so much fun. We are going to Sea World & Madyson can't wait!
So I should have lots of pictures and posts from next week, but I it may be awhile before another update.
Posted by hmcbrayer at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Video For Tracy Take 1
This is the 1st video Madyson made for Tracy. I just laugh every time I watch it, so I thought I would share. Pay close attention to the end.
Posted by hmcbrayer at 8:48 PM 0 comments
This is the video Lexi made for Tracy the day Madyson made one. I have tried a million times to upload it, but it kept getting an error. So here it is!!
Lexi is getting moved up to the Wobbler Room at school. No - she is not walking yet, but she is much more mobile than the other kids in her class. She was in there today and the teacher said she had a wonderful day! She just loves it in there w/ the bigger kids and the better toys :O) You can tell a huge difference since the tubes, it is so wonderful to see her so happy and smiling all the time!
Posted by hmcbrayer at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tubes Update!
I want to start by thanking everyone for your prayers. God is truly amazing and he has truly blessed our lives. We had to be at the hospital this morning at 5:45. I worried all night that I would have to hand off my crying baby to a stranger and that she would be inconsolable after the surgery. All my prayers were answered today though. I went back to the holding room (7:00 am) with her & the anesthesiologist was the one that I had when I had Lexi. She was really tired & hungry so I knew she was going to throw a fit when I had to give her to the nurse. However, she did amazing, She didn't fuss or wine at all when I gave her to the nurse. I did a pretty darn good job, too! By the time I got back to our room from the holding room the nurse called (7:05) and said Dr. Cosby had just started and everything was going good. About ten minutes later (7:15) Dr. Cosby called and said everything went well. Within 5 minutes the nurse from the holding room said she was waking up and they would be bringing her back in 5-7 minutes. She was back in my arms drinking her bottle by 7:35! The only time she really every fussed is when they tried to take her blood pressure. The nurse was extremely impressed. We walked out the hospital at 8:25! I can already see a difference in her. You can tell she can hear better. She is happy and been playing since we got home.
Posted by hmcbrayer at 10:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Video Message to Tracy
We tried really hard to do a video message for Tracy. This is the best we could do, she was just being too silly.
Posted by hmcbrayer at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Mark your Calendar
As most of you know Madyson is taking tumbling on Wednesday nights and Dance on Thursday nights and Jumps*Kicks*Splits*. She loves it. They are working on Cartwheels, hand stands and backward sommersalts in tumbling, and in dance they do ballet, jazz, and tap and a little tumbling. She has a performance coming up on April 18th (I know, Lexi's 1st B-day) @ Leigh Mall @ 2:00. She also has Spring recital on May 9th at Caledonia High School at 5 & 7. (Drew's thrilled as you can imagine) At the spring recital they have a program that we are selling ads for. Most of the ads are just pictures of the girls from family saying "we are so proud of you" things like that. They have ads that are business card sizes, 1/4 page, 1/2 page and full pages. If you are interested please let me know. I will get the prices for the ads tomorrow when we go to dance.
Because of the performance at the mall, we are probably going to do Lexi's birthday party around 5 o'clock at the house. We will just grill out & hang out. I will get more details the closer it gets.
Posted by hmcbrayer at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Tubes :O(
Well, it is official. We met w/ Dr. Cosby yesterday and we have scheduled to have Lexi's tubes put in Thursday. We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 in the morning. She will be the first one back. The surgery only takes about 5 minutes, but she will be away from us for about 30. I am crying just writing this, I don't know how I am going to make it through tomorrow morning - the may have to sedate me too!
Posted by hmcbrayer at 4:02 PM 1 comments